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Personal Development

Work is personal. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, unless you want to slowly shrivel your heart and soul. Your personal development is how your growth as a human being is fueled. IAMX gives us ways to unleash individual personal growth into focused collective endeavors.

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Personal Development

Why Leaders Need to Meditate

Meditation helps you be more strategic and less overwhelmed. It's a critical part of True Self Leadership. But isn't it hard and time consuming? Let's find out!

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Personal Development

Cherish Your Doubts

I've coached hundreds of people - everyone experiences doubt. It can be debilitating, OR it can be a "touchstone of truth." Learn how to let doubt help you be more clear.

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Personal Development

The Cosmic Waiter

Why is it that the Law of Attraction so often doesn’t work? Find out the reasons most people fail using LOA principles and how to work with a fun alternative:

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Personal Development

What You Stand For Is What You Create

What you take a stand for includes your focus, energy, emotions, and actions.

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Personal Development

Put Your Fears To Rest Once And For All

There is a change taking place that is as radical as the shift away from believing the world is flat.

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Personal Development

Use Brain Science to Overcome Fear and Stress

It’s clear that many of you want to move forward True Self aligned careers, but are stymied by fear, stress, and ...

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