How to Know When Getting a Life Means Quitting Your Job?

It’s time to be getting a life when you are:

It’s Time to Get a Life When the Best Thing in Life is the End of the Day

  • Bored
  • Apathetic
  • Complacent
  • Blaming Others
  • Dreading work
  • Dreading home
  • Stressed or sick

In other words, getting a life is needed when you are tolerating an unhealthy home or work situation, you know it’s not good, and you’re staying there because you don’t have the guts to do something about it.

Getting a life means at home or at work!

I mention both work and home situations because you can not be your best if either domain is not optimal.

I’ll focus now on knowing when to ‘quit your job;’ know that these concepts can be used equally well at home!

Getting a life means deciding to be your best

Gone are the days when an employer had limited choice on who to hire. Your best offense in tough economic times is to be confident in being your best.

If you are waiting for affirmation from your boss that you are doing a great job, or waiting for a challenge that will take you to the next level of your best – you are in deep do-do my friend!

You must take charge of this process yourself! And it you have settled for mediocre performance for a long time, it’s time to boogie…

Getting a life might mean quitting your job


You Know When You’re at a Dead End

Boogie time means quitting your job, if you know:

  • You are in a dead-end situation. For example, you work at a newspaper or your business is gradually being sold and consumed by larger markets (think telecom).
  • You are not excited about your work. For example, you’ve hung in there for a paycheck to support your family but the passion is simply, gone, gone, gone.
  • Indicators or measures are not improving. For example, you’re not getting the juicy work assignments, or new clients, or discovering new depths of passion.

If this is your situation, it’s time to plan an exit strategy. If this is the first time you’ve really taken charge of your life, then it’s probably the first time you’ve been strategic, so becoming more strategic is the first step in an exit strategy.

Quitting your job means having an exit strategy

An exit strategy for quitting your job includes:

  1. Get support in becoming more strategic about your life. Be able to see a path forward.
  2. Take full responsibility for your current situation. It’s time to stop all blame.
  3. Reduce the stress in your life – immediately. Stress is the enemy of creativity.
  4. Begin to engage your creativity and imagination. See new possibilities.
  5. Tap in to whatever passion you can ignite. Engage your heart and find courage.
  6. Commit to being your authentic best – smart, talented. Stop selling yourself short.
  7. Garner the resources needed for a transition. Have money, support, further plans.

The key is to start now. Before things become dire, i.e. you are laid-off without savings wondering how all this happened.

Getting a life is the way forward

Honestly, the longer you wait the harder it gets. Getting a life is just not an option any more; it’s the only way forward to being your best.

Career help is the key to success in challenging times. Consider what it will take for you to make real changes!

What are you ready to commit to now, on a path to getting a life that works FOR you?