Define Your True Self, and Emerge A True Leader

8 Weeks to a More Powerful, Holistic You

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Feeling stuck?
Share your leadership challenges in a free intro session with Karen and get a taste for the course.

If You Are…

Looking to get control of your life, career, and future…

A leader who wants to be part of the solution and foster positivity…

Willing to embrace  mindfulness in “burnout-free” work environments...

Finally, if you’re willing to initiate self-change, the Define Your True Self course will open up a whole new world of leadership possibilities

I now work with extreme efficiency as the number of tasks I was dealing with increased significantly while simultaneously reducing stress.”
Dan Alvarez, CEO, Purity ReSource

Overcome Stress, Chaos, and Uncertainty

Is reactivity dominating your life? Do you feel “stretched too thin,” as if you can never do enough? 

Is conflict making you feel as if you can’t manifest positive change, ultimately leading to frustration and burnout? 

Do you feel disconnected or anxious in life and work? 

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Rational problem solving can only take us so far. What’s missing is your ability to listen to your heart and body as well as your mind. 

Let Me Show You the Way

Hi there, leader! I’m Karen Tax, a holistic leadership coach with IAMX.

What does that mean? It means that I work with logic-driven leaders just like you to help them bring their biggest, boldest, and best self to the table every single day (and inspire the same in others). These are people who are making real, impactful changes, but who simultaneously struggle with habits that keep them stuck in “reaction mode” when they should be in “proactive mode.” 

I’ve developed this comprehensive Define Your True Self course to empower you to get those great ideas out of your mind and implemented in the real world. I want to show you how to positively impact your environment while avoiding burnout. Finally, I want to show you how defining your true self (and sticking to it) can change your life and career for the better. 

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Feeling stuck?
Share your leadership challenges in a free intro session with Karen and get a taste for the course.

“I learned to verbalize where I am mentally, emotionally, and physically — setting limits and sharing what I need. New parts of my brain have been unleashed!
Dana Xavier Dojnik, Co-Founder, CreateATL

Are You Readyto learn how to:


Feel more in control by centering yourself?


Empower the real you to take the driver’s seat?


Stop reacting to what happens to you and start influencing your environment?


Learn to recognize negative factors so you can nurture positive transformations?


Transform confusion, overload, and conflict into authenticity, meaning, and profit?

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Feeling stuck?
Share your leadership challenges in a free intro session with Karen and get a taste for the course.

proud to work with leaders at:

Our Mindfulness Approach will help you define who you really are

You will learn about:


How you can feel more in control without controlling others


How to defuse sources of conflict and burnout


How to be confident in the face of uncertainty


How to nurture opportunity, meaning, and influence


How to master dealing with drama

Inspired action

How to attract the best talent and unleash their potential

Free Course Preview

mindful body scan with ken farber

Want a taste of what’s included in the course? Enjoy one of our full-length mindfulness practices, “Body Scan” hosted by our own Ken Farber below. Just hit play and tune in.

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Feeling stuck?
Share your leadership challenges in a free intro session with Karen and get a taste for the course.

Our Numberstell a new story

We surveyed our participants before & after taking the course, and this is what they reported back:

“We now have a workplace where everyone is bringing more of their genius to work, pushing in the same direction.” 
Rob Hall

Our Coaching Sessions will help you align with your truth

You’ll also learn how to:

bring out

your best in response to extreme challenges


your ability to function from deep well-being


your ability to return to open, aware engagement after stressful situations

stay true

to your values and yourself rather than be “hijacked” by reactivity

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Feeling stuck?
Share your leadership challenges in a free intro session with Karen and get a taste for the course.

Your Course Includes:

version with mindfulness & coaching

Weekly audio lessons designed to guide you from reaction to inspired action.

included in self-directed version
included in version with coaching

An in-depth workbook to help personalize the course concepts to your situation.  

included in self-directed version
included in version with coaching

A set of mindfulness practices that give you a taste of what’s possible when you change your point of view.

included in self-directed version
included in version with coaching

A series of mindfulness lessons to help you understand the science behind mindfulness.

included in self-directed version
included in version with coaching

A mindfulness planner to help you develop a habit of tapping into your “calm center.”

included in version with coaching

Weekly mindfulness & group coaching sessions to help you apply course content. 

included in version with coaching

Pre- & post-course assessments to help you measure your progress.

included in version with coaching
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Feeling stuck?
Share your leadership challenges in a free intro session with Karen and get a taste for the course.

“I learned to look at Drama in a different way that is not as stressful and traumatic as when you struggle through it. Instead, a blizzard became like a summer storm.
Shannon Turlington, Web Content Developer

Our Mindfulness Practices

We have fully integrated mindfulness into Define Your True Self’s curriculum. Whether you’re familiar with mindfulness concepts or not, we promise that you’ll quickly see the benefits:

Mindfulness is all about being present, especially with what is going on inside of you. 

Mindfulness helps you realize how much power you have over your reactions.

Most of us lack the skills to be present with our inner activities. In fact, many of us were taught “skills” that actually exacerbate our inner struggles:

  1. Attempting cognitive control actually perpetuates anxiety. For example, forcing yourself to sleep only leads to more anxiety. 
  2. Constant doing inhibits learning and growth because it leaves no time to reflect. 
  3. Being overly positive oppresses our emotional range. Releasing anger is healthy. Suppressing anger is not. 
  4. Avoidance and denial keep us disconnected from our calm, powerful center. Don’t sell your soul to fit in!

Define Your True Self incorporates mindfulness because – at the end of the day – it is essential to reconnect us to our true selves. Be it good, bad, or ugly, there’s always something new about ourselves to discover. And you know what? We’re at our best when we’re open, non-reactive, and centered. Mindfulness is like a drawer that’s always there, providing us access to our innermost thoughts and feelings whenever we need it!

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Feeling stuck?
Share your leadership challenges in a free intro session with Karen and get a taste for the course.

The Journey themes we’ll explore together

We begin by exploring the territories of  your true self that allow you to feel more in control. You’ll access untapped potential and address the root cause of reactive habits. 

We explore how to use your power of choice to change how you relate to and engage with challenges, by tapping into newly emerging inner resources. 

Choosing allows you to define who you are. Now you can identify as your powerful true self and eliminate the inner source of conflict and burnout.

Theme 3

As your true self clarity deepens, you’ll naturally bring more of your talents to life. Now you can be confident using true self awareness to navigate chaos and uncertainty.

Theme 4

Face challenges as your true self taps deep inner potential and energy. Now you can focus that energy to increase opportunities and powerfully create positive influence.

Theme 5

Experience being your true self restores balance and stabilizes your energy. Now you can fine tune that energy as stories you tell including being masterful at being with challenges

Theme 6

Constraints that limited you before are now openings for new potential. Now the action you take is deeply inspired. It naturally attracts the best talent and unleashes collective potential!

Theme 7
Inspired Action

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Feeling stuck?
Share your leadership challenges in a free intro session with Karen and get a taste for the course.


When does the course start and finish?
How long do I have access to the course?
How long will the course take to complete?
What if I am unhappy with the course?
Is there a minimum group size?
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Feeling stuck?
Share your leadership challenges in a free intro session with Karen and get a taste for the course.

Hear from other holistic leaders who have taken the course:
The course takes you into a whole new world of abundance, where — instead of being afraid — you can riff with confidence about challenges & conflict. It’s completely changed the way I handle things.
Zenora Finley
Parmatech Corporation
“I’m in a happier, more productive & focused place. I learned how to make it easier to do more in less time while focussing on the things that matter most.”
Rich Holloway
Senior Manager, Accuray
“I felt I wasn’t being heard, and did things just because I was told. Now I can flip out of it by sticking to my values & strengths. As a result, I spread positive energy and focus more on the bigger picture.”
Kelley Snead
1st Shift Lead, Proform

Your Instructors your guides on this journey

Karen Tax

Karen is an executive coach & business culture consultant. She guides individuals and teams to create work that is meaningful and profitable at the same time. With her own IAMX system, she helps leaders discover their inner genius and wield healthy power.  As a result, clients gain confidence in their value, create new opportunities, earn more, and navigate complex & demanding situations — while creating environments where everyone can win.

Find out more about Karen at

  • B.S. in Computer Science
  • M.S. in Organizational Development 
  • 20 years faculty and mentor coach at NC State Business Coach Program
  • An entrepreneur since 2000, Karen has focused on living her work within her personal life and her business, so she guides from real life experience.
  • Clients include leaders in high-tech, manufacturing, non-profit, academia, law, and small businesses

Ken Farber

Ken is one the most skilled facilitators of The Work of Byron Katie in the San Francisco Bay Area.  

This led him to receive a phone call one day from the Trium Group, a management consulting firm, expressing their interest in meeting him as they were looking for someone to mentor their staff in The Work of Byron Katie.  This started a mentoring relationship with their senior staff and founder.

  • Led mindfulness-based wellness programs at the University of San Francisco Medical Center and Kaiser-Permanente Medical Center
  • Led mindfulness-based classes and retreats throughout the San Francisco Bay Area for the past 20 years helping people to find depth and spirit
  • Featured speaker at numerous medical conferences
  • Mentored senior staff at management consulting firms in San Francisco and Denver in mindfulness-based approaches to emotional intelligence and peak performance

Future Cohorts

Sign up below to be notified when future cohorts are open for registration!

As a free gift, we’ll  also give you a set of 4 smartphone wallpapers you can set as an ever-present reminder of who you really are, everywhere you go!